Living Flames

May we become living flames and radiate our warmth in all directions, to all our relations.

The warmth and luminosity of fire serve as a living symbol of the highest potentials of humans and world. From the ancestral Big Burst at the dawn of time and the cosmic birth of galaxies and stars to the radiant vibrancy of the planetary web of life and the magical spark of awareness, fire’s presence is fundamental in the dance of existence.

There is a great need of re-kindling the fiery essence of our elemental nature in these times of crisis and opportunity.

Through various offerings that include individual sessionsonline courses, ritual, and writings, Adrián cultivates a wakeful, kind, and regenerative presence by inviting our true essence to burn and illumine our lives.


International Diploma

March 2025 – January 2026

Ecopsychology Certificate

March – June, 2025

Online Course

March 1, 2, 15, 16


