
Since time immemorial, ritual has played a central role in re-weaving the covenant of life between humans and the sacred origin of creation. Ritual’s “sacred circle” allows a respectful interaction with the essential forces of life, which provide a deeper understanding of the natural order through their presence and guidance.

Different teachings converge and inform my approach to ritual, making it suitable for a contemporary context, freed from dogmatic posturings and infused with a heart-centered intention.

I offer rituals of:

Grief and Renewal

Empowerment and Guidance

Healing and Connection

Transitions and Blessings

A specialty throughout the seasons has been rites of passage in nature (or inspired by it). I believe that nature’s wise guidance serves as an incomparable container of human transformation, laboring the birth of more loving versions of ourselves.

Specifically, ritual assists in:

  • Cultivating health, ease, and relaxation.
  • Supporting life transitions.
  • Regaining purpose and fortifying intention.
  • Transforming obstacles into virtues.
  • Acquiring insight and guidance.
  • Connecting with the land, the ancestors, and future generations.
  • Creating an ecologically sensitive consciousness.
  • Strengthening social bonds and creating community.
  • Expressing gratitude.